Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Closing Up - A Q4 Finish-A-Long

This quarter has proved to be a very productive one. I have a few projects and ideas in the wings that will be coming out soon, but first, I want to share my three finishes. Of course, I didn't even come close to completing all my projects, but I did make quite a bit of headway on the ones not listed here, even though they aren't finished yet.

My original list can be found here.

1. The first item that was finished was my son's "Pop Blanket" from Tin Can Knits. There wasn't a lot to be done to finish it up but there was a sort of roadblock in the weaving ends in department. I pushed through and it was done back in October.

2. The second item on my finished list is my "Low Tide Cardigan" by Tin Can Knits. I LOVE this cardigan so much, and have worn it a lot already. It too had the finishing touches to do, weaving in ends, buttons and so on. This sweater is awesome. It is knit top down, and has seamless sides and sleeves. I can't tell you how much that makes me happy. (Considering it took me long enough to finish, as it was.)

(I need to apologize here. This is my awful attempt at photographing the sweater while wearing it, since I waited too long to get a decent picture and was the only available adult at the photo-taking time. :) )

3. My last finish, my "starstruck" quilt, is one that means an awful lot to me. I've spent literally dozens of hours on this quilt. It is my very first quilt that I've kept just for myself. I blogged about it here.

This has left quite a lot of projects, still in progress, but I'm definitely making headway. It's a new year, and I'm discovering new ways to keep things focused and accessible and easy to work on. So far, so good.

she can quilt

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