So, I may have dropped the ball in the blogging department the last few months. Let's catch up!
It has been CRAZY autumn and winter so far. Last time I touched base, I was a contestant in the Sewvivor competition. I didn't make it in to the last round but I was so proud of how far I made it, and humbled that I had even made it past auditions.
In September, I went back to work full time after a year and a half off with our little baby, who is not so little any more. This change in schedule was huge. The next month we moved and that brought with it a lot more changes... new school, new routines, and a new city. We even snuck in a little camping trip, a favorite tradition of ours. I just love autumn camping.
We've finally settled into our new home and have been loving it. It's much cozier, just the way I like a home to feel. I still have a dedicated sewing space which makes me ecstatic. I love that my sewing space leads on to the kids play room / library so I can still spend time with my children even while crafting.
While I have been silent in the blogiverse, I have been busy in the crafting department, sewing up a storm. Half the problem with working full time and trying to run a blog in the winter is that I am rarely home in the day light for good photos. But I'm going to try to be better at that. If you follow me on instagram, you know it's been a craftiful year. I definitely have some catching up to do!
The first step is the hardest. But now I've taken it, I can't wait to share what I've been working on with you!
Woohoo! So great to have you back (not that I ever lost you, but you know what I mean!). I'm heading back to work this year after 3 years (yep, 3!) of maternity leave and I'm a little panicked about how it's going to change things - but you know, nothing ventured... Can't wait to see more of your craftiness! :)