Wednesday, August 14, 2013


This week, over at  Amanda's A Crafty Fox's blog, we are cutting our fabrics into strips and then diamonds and hexagons. (I LOVE hexagons and star flowers, so this is bound to be a keeper.)

I really cannot wait to see how we construct the quilt top. It'll be fun to play with the diamonds to see what pattern I end up with.
My sixth Swoon block is now complete - only three to go. 
I need to work on accuracy when working with half square triangles. I've been wondering if the marking pen I've been using doesn't have a sharp enough tip which is causing my seam allowances to be slightly off periodically which shifts things for the whole block. While this won't really affect the quilt as a whole, I really prefer accurate piecing. I'm going to try using a mechanical pencil for my next block to see if there is a difference.
Our family spent a day at a corn maze/family farm last Saturday - it was gorgeous and hot. We had to soak the dirt off the kids that night, but it was definitely worth it - they loved every sweaty, dusty, laughing moment.
There was a porch with a row of rainbow painted rocking chairs. It was so beautiful.

And it was the perfect spot for a little person to sit and breathe... 
... before getting up to run again.
Today, I'm linking up to Lee at Freshly Pieced's Work In Progress Wednesday.


  1. Jade, thanks for the comment over at my blog! I'm wondering if we're neighbours....we're on Vancouver Island. :)

    Your blog is lovely and your projects are beautiful!

    1. Hi Heather. Thank you! We are sort of neighbors... We live on the mainland though.
      I'm sort of new to the whole blogging thing but I love it. I noticed on your blog that you have fabric cards (?) - do you run a fabric shop as well? (Also a dream of mine.)

  2. Hi jade,
    First i love that swoon block! Also the stack of Happy Go Lucky fabrics I see. I am using HGL in hexagons right now for a small project. Those stars are going to be terrific.
    I am visiting from W.I.P. - I am a new follower too.
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  3. Jade - I was going to sign up to follow your blog but couldn't find where to do that at.
    Let me know if i just missed it somewhere.
    xo jan

    1. Hi Jan, Thanks for stopping by! :) Also, thank you for pointing out that people can't follow. I edited my layout to include a gadget for following by email or by subscription. I'm gonna go check out your hexagons - love HGL. :)
